


Status Quo of Physical Education and Sport Science Research: Critique and Reflection




卓俊伶(Hank Jwo)


身體活動 ; 體育 ; 運動科學 ; 科學研究 ; 國科會 ; physical activity ; physical education ; sport science ; scientific research ; National Science Council




44卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


315 - 332






Physical education and sport science, with physical activity as nature, is considered as a cross-disciplinary and cross-professional field of study. The body of knowledge constructed by disciplinary research has its uniqueness. This paper delimited to physical education and sport science research in Taiwan. Research projects in Physical Education Section, National Science Council and two major academic journals were quantitatively analyzed. A positive current developmental status of physical education and sport science was found. Some room for improvement in published papers from Physical Education Journal and Sports and Exercise Research were identified through application of critical thinking. Lastly, reflections were made to the study of physical education and sport science, which included (1) While human beings and physical activity are considered as essentials in scientific study, limitations of personal knowledge and difficulty of absolute objectivity should be considered, (2) Evidence-based approach and translational research are recommended, and (3) The importance of observing research ethical guidelines.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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