


The Effectiveness of Goal-Setting on Physical Activity and Exercise Self-Efficacy for the Visually Impaired Students




林子文(Tzu-Wen Lin);黃美瑤(Mei-Yao Huang);張惠萍(Hui-Ping Chang);林啟川(Chi-Chuan Lin)


自信心 ; 動機 ; 適應體育 ; 電子計步器 ; confidence ; motivation ; adaptive physical education ; pedometer




44卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


593 - 607




目的:探討目標設定對視障生身體活動量與運動自我效能之影響。方法:以臺北市立某高中視障生20名為對象,分派為有目標設定組和無目標設定組各10人,進行為期12天的身體活動記錄。目標設定組的學生被要求每日進步至少10%的步數作為目標設定,無目標設定組則沒有任何目標。參與者的12日身體活動量以Yamax SW200電子計步器加以記錄,並在實驗結束後填寫運動自我效能量表,所得資料以獨立樣本t考驗和皮爾遜積差相關進行統計分析。結果:一、目標設定組的視障學生的12日身體活動量(M=10996.68次)顯著高於無目標設定組(M=7653.05次)。二、目標設定組的運動自我效能高於無目標設定組。三、目標設定組的身體活動量與運動自我效能有顯著正相關(r=.76)。結論:目標設定的介入對視障生的身體活動量和運動自我效能具有提升效果,適當利用目標設定來促進視障生從事規律身體活動以及提升其參與運動的能力知覺是在適應體育課程中可以考慮使用的策略。


Purpose: To examine the effects of goal-setting on physical activity levels and exercise self-efficacy for the visually impaired student's. Methods: Twenty visually impaired high school students from Taipei School were participated in this study. Ten participants were assigned to receive goal-setting program as an experimental group, and ten participants were assigned to a control group and received non-goal setting program. The program was executed for 12 days. The experimental group was asked to complete the goal-setting questionnaire and set their daily goal by 10% increase as compare to their previous day's physical activity levels. Yamax SW200 digital mine pedometer was applied to measure physical activity levels; Exercise of Self-Efficacy was used to measure individual's believes about his/her agency or capacity to successful perform various tasks. A one-way ANNOVA and Pearson's product-moment correlation were applied for the data analysis, and the acceptance or rejection of this hypothesis was set at the .05 levels. Results: a) the visually impaired students for the experimental group had significantly higher tallies of physical activity levels (M=10996.68) than the visually impaired students for the control group (M= 7653.05); b) the visually impaired students for the experimental group had significantly higher scores than the visually impaired students for the control group did on self-efficacy; c) a positive physical activity levels and exercise self-efficacy relationship was founded in the experimental group. Conclusion: The study supported the goal-setting was a highly effective strategy to increase physical activity levels and exercise self-efficacy for the visually impaired students. It is a great strategy to promote physical activity levels for the visually impaired student by applying goal-setting, and increase their perception of exercise participation for the adaptive physical education curriculum.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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