


A Motivational Process Model of Sport Volunteers: From the Perspectives of Self-Determination Theory




許建民(Chien-Ming Hsu);范良誌(Liang-Chih Fan)


自主感支持 ; 控制 ; 基本需求 ; 動機型態 ; 行為意圖 ; autonomy-support ; control ; basic need ; types of motivation ; behavioral intention




44卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


549 - 570






Purpose: Based on self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was attempted to propose and test a motivational process model of sport volunteers which was following the processes of ”social situation factors → psychological mediators → types of motivation → behavior consequences”. Methods: Using convenient sampling method, a group-administrated questionnaire was sent to 700 sport volunteers served at 14 county stadiums. Out of the 619 questionnaires returned, 507 of them were valid. Research instruments used in this study were autonomy support scale, control scale, basic need satisfaction scale, motivation scale, and behavioral intention scale. LISREL was used to estimate the parameters and model fit. Results: Structural equation modeling analysis showed that the final model fit the data satisfactorily and all parameters were significant except for the path linked control situation to relatedness. Conclusion: The most important thing for organization to retain volunteers was to provide an autonomy-support context that positively impacted basic need satisfaction. When satisfied of these needs yielded internalized self-determined motivation and positively behavioral intention, but when thwarted led to diminished motivation and negatively behavioral outcome. Based on the finding above, some advices were proposed for the managers of volunteer organizations. Lastly, future research orientations were also proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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