


The Differences of Social Support Among Stages of Exercise in Adolescents: Sources and Types of Social Support




蔡謦任(Ching-Jen Tsai);季力康(Li-Kang Chi);游鎮安(Chen-An Yu)


跨理論模式 ; 運動階段 ; 社會支持 ; 青少年 ; the transtheoretical model ; stages of exercise ; social support ; adolescent




45卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


31 - 41




目的:為瞭解青少年身體活動參與社會支持中的來源與形式。方法:參與者為 317名中學學生,平均年齡13.8 ± 0.68歲,經參與者同意後,請他們填寫運動階段量表與社會支持量表,利用單因子多變量變異數分析檢驗不同運動階段中,家人、同儕、師長等社會支持來源所提供的社會支持形式之差異情形。結果:家人提供的「討論支持」、「稱讚運動行為」、「稱讚體能與表現」等社會支持形式,以及同儕提供的「陪伴支持」、「告訴運動的好處」、「討論支持」、「稱讚運動行為」、「稱讚體能與表現」與「指導支持」等社會支持形式具皆有顯著的階段差異,為階段高大於階段低,其餘社會支持沒有差異存在。結論:瞭解社會支持對於身體活動的效益還需要重視社會支持中的來源與形式不同的影響。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand sources and types of social support inphysical activity for adolescents. Methods: Participants were 317 junior high school students. Theaverage age of participants was 13.8 ± 0.68 years. After received their informed consent,participants were asked to complete a questionnaire, which assessed the social support and stages of exercise. A serial of MANOVAs were used to examine the difference between stages of exercise and types of social support from family, peers, and teachers. Results: Among social supports provided by the family, ”discussing support”, ”praising on my sport behavior”, ”praising on theimprovement of my sport performance and fitness” showed significant differences among different stages of exercise. Among social supports provided by peers, ”doing sports with me”, ”telling me the benefits of physical activity”, ”discussing support”, ”praising on my sport behavior”, ”praising on the improvement of my sport performance and fitness” and ”teaching support” were significantly different among stages of exercise. Specifically, participants who were in higher stage of exercise perceived greater social supports. The rest of the social supports were not significantly different among different stages of exercise. Conclusions: It is suggested that the sources and types of socialsupport should be considered in terms of understanding the effect of social support on exerciseamong adolescents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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