


The Research of Promoting Professionalization of Japanese Football




廖宗耀(Tsung-Yao Liao);李建興(Chien-Shing Lee)


世界盃足球賽 ; 日本企業運動俱樂部 ; Football World Cup ; professionalization of football ; sports clubs of Japanese companies




46卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


93 - 104






Purpose: The purpose of the present paper is to understand the history of the professionalization of Japanese football, and helps to understand the force behind this change. Method: The present research is done based on historical references collected from relevant study, paper, periodical and official network news about the professionalization of Japanese football, interview. Conclusions: 1. Along with the introduction of football into Japan by westerners, it was widespread in the normal system first, and then it gradually became the inter-school sports event for all levels of studies, establishing the foundation of national sports. 2. In the era of amateur sports, it poured in the money from enterprises to develop the social activities club. Meanwhile, it connected with national competition system to turn itself to sub-professional sports, and later won the bronze medal in the Mexico Olympics in 1968. The professional football league was established because the International Olympic Committee approved the participation of professional football players, and also those Japanese sports clubs were easily affected by the financial instability of their parent companies. Hence, the system became open for competitions from international players, in order to demonstrate the ability to compete globally. 3. Owing to the popularity of football, the bubble of Japanese economy, the failure in international games, technological media builds up the global village, etc, the process of professionalization of Japanese football responds to the its social, economic, international environment changes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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