


Biomechanical Analysis on Badminton Forehand Dab Shot and Stab Shot




薛尹彰(Yi-Chang Hsueh);陳裕元(Yu-Yuan Chen);潘光敏(Kuang-Min Pan);蔡虔祿(Chien-Lu Tsai)


網前球 ; 肌電圖 ; 動作分析 ; net shot ; EMG ; motion analysis




46卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


351 - 362




目的:羽球正拍網前球在比賽中是製造主動機會的重要關鍵之一,但過去較少羽球網前球生物力學相關的研究。因此本研究的主要目的在探討羽球正拍網前輕彈球及搓球在運動學和肌電訊號的差異。方法:受試者為八位大專男子甲組羽球選手,使用10部(Vicon MX-13+)紅外線攝影機(250 Hz)及Nexus1.2軟體來蒐集動作影像資料,再以Visual 3D 軟體計算運動學數據;而肌電訊號則是由Biovision(1000 Hz)生物訊號擷取系統來收集,並經由Dasy Lab 6.0的軟體來分析;兩種動作的所有參數均以無母數魏可遜配對組符號等級測驗的統計方法來檢定。結果:搓球在遠端關節的伸肘、屈腕及尺偏的角速度,以及拍頭速度顯著大於輕彈球,且擊球拍面角度比輕彈球較接近水平。結論:本研究發現輕彈球主要是以穩定的關節變化及緩慢的拍頭速度來擊球;肌群作用的方式傾向以肌群的共同收縮為主。而搓球則是利用較快速的伸肘、腕屈曲及尺偏等關節動作和較平的拍面角度來擊球;肌群作用則傾向以作用肌先收縮動作後,拮抗肌再快速的收縮制動的方式為主。


Purpose: Forehand dab shot and stab shot are two important skills to create offensive chances in a badminton competition. However, there have been few researches about the biomechanics analyses on forehand net shots of badminton. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the kinematics and the EMG variables of these two skills. Methods: The participants were eight elite collegiate male badminton players in Taiwan. The kinematical data was collected by 10 Vicon MX-13+ infrared cameras (250 Hz) and Nexus 1.2 software. Then the Visual 3D software was used to analyze the variables. The EMG signals of the dominate hand were collected by Biovision system (1000 Hz) and analyzed by the DasyLab 6.0 software. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test was used to compare all variables of these two skills. Results: The distal joint angular velocity and horizontal racket head velocity of the stab shot were dramatically faster than the dab shot's. Furthermore, the stab shot had a more horizontal angle of the racket plane in contact point. Conclusions: The dab net shot mainly used muscular co-contraction to make stable joint movement and slow racket head velocity to hit the shuttlecock. But in stab shot technique, the participants performed not only a flatter racket plane but also a faster joint angular velocity in elbow extension, forearm supination and wrist ulnar flexion to stab the shuttlecock by the agonist, and then buffer the joint movement by the antagonist.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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