


Learning and Advanced Education of High School Students in Athletic Class: A Perspective of Ecological Systems




陳怡帆(Yi-Fan Chen);程瑞福(Jui-Fu Chen)


體育班 ; 生態系統理論 ; 鉅觀系統 ; athletic class ; ecological systems theory ; macro-system




46卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


443 - 457






Purpose: Observe the expectations for the education advance of high school students in athletic class from the theory of ecological systems and discuss the correlations between the academic performances and education advance of high school students in athletic class. Methods: Semi-structure interviews were conducted with students, parents, coaches, teachers, and administrators of athletic class in one of the high schools in Taipei as well as policy makers. Results: Both of Individual and micro-system expected high school athletes to advance their education based on the athletic performances and enter athletic-related departments; Meso and macro-system expected high school students in athletic class to broaden their scopes instead of following merely the athletic path. In the learning ecology of high school athletes, the social values and relevant physical education policies (macro-system) had impacts on the views of coaches, teachers, and parents (micro-system) on the athletic and academic performances of students in athletic class. Conclusions: The skill-orientated athlete cultivations and education advance benefits high school students in athletic class when pursuing higher education. However, the insufficient counseling mechanism of academic learning in high school leads to severely unbalanced situation between academic and athletic performances of students in athletic class which limits their future development and impedes their social competitiveness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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