


Methods of Qualitative Data Analysis in Physical Education and Sport Studies




高麗娟(Li-Chuan Kao);黃光獻(Kuang-Hsien Huang)


紮根理論分析 ; 詮釋現象學分析 ; 敘說分析 ; 質性研究 ; grounded theory analysis ; interpretive phenomenological analysis ; narrative analysis ; qualitative research




47卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


159 - 177






This article aims to introduce methods of qualitative data analysis in physical education and sport studies. First of all, there is a short introduction to qualitative paradigm and its features in general. Then, the authors state what qualitative data, analysis and trustworthiness mean. After that, they recount three methods of analysis: grounded theory analysis, interpretive phenomenological analysis, and narrative analysis including thematic analysis, structural analysis, interactional analysis, and performative analysis. In this article, the authors not only describe the content and procedures to analyze qualitative data, but also provide with examples. These methods demonstrate their own respective features, however, their steps permeate one another in practice. On the basis of needs of the research, the researchers may choose appropriate methods to make sense of data.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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