


A Study of Different Wire Diameters and Thread Pounds Badminton Strings on Coefficients of Restitution and User Satisfaction




許太彥(Tai-Yen Hsu);胡瑞文(Jui-Wen Hu);洪文彥(Wen-Yan Hung)


羽球 ; 線徑 ; 穿線磅數 ; 恢復係數 ; badminton ; wire diameter ; thread pound ; coefficient of restitution




47卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


517 - 529




目的:探討三種不同線徑與兩種不同穿線磅數對羽球線恢復係數之影響。方法:首先將球拍以C型夾固定於工作桌上,而羽球發球機以200 km/hr依序發球撞擊球拍,25次撞擊後再換下一支,總共測試六支球拍。實驗中採用300 Hz高速攝影機,以Kwon 3D動作分析軟體取得數據,並以Excel算出恢復係數,再以SPSS 20.0統計軟體並採用獨立樣本二因子變異數加以比較分析,顯著水準訂為α = .05;並以問卷調查25位國小學童與25位大學校隊選手對羽球線的滿意度。結果:一、不同線徑與穿線磅數對恢復係數沒有交互作用(p = .268)。二、不同線徑對球線的恢復係數未達顯著差異(p = .621)。三、穿線26磅的恢復係數顯著大於穿線22磅的恢復係數(p = .006)。四、無論是校隊選手或國小學童,喜愛的羽球線徑可能皆跟恢復係數有關。結論:羽球穿線磅數越高恢復係數越大,也可能越受使用者喜愛。


Purpose: The study discussed the influence of three different wire diameters and two distinct thread pounds on the coefficients of restitution of badminton strings. Methods: First, a badminton racquet was fastened on a table with a C-shaped clip. A shuttlecock launching machine then served shuttlecocks with a speed of 200 km/hr to hit against the racquet. Each badminton racquet was hit by shuttlecocks 25 times, and 6 racquets in total were tested. A 300Hz high speed camera was adopted in the experiment, and data were acquired with Kwon 3D motion analysis software. In addition, the coefficient of restitution data were calculated with Excel, and compared by independent sample two-way ANOVA using SPSS statistics 20.0 software. The significant level was α = .05. A questionnaire was used to survey the satisfaction level of elementary school students and school players on badminton strings. Results:Ⅰ. Different wire diameters and thread pounds had no interaction with the coefficients of restitution (p = .268). Ⅱ. Different wire diameters did not create a significant difference to the coefficients of restitution of badminton strings (p = .621).Ⅲ. The coefficients of restitution of badminton strings with 26 thread pounds were significantly higher than those with 22 thread pounds (p = .006).Ⅳ. The wire diameters of badminton which school players or elementary school students preferred might be related to the coefficients of restitution. Conclusion: With the increase of pounds, the coefficients of restitution increase as well, and might be more popular.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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