


Technology and skill: A field study of the impact on taekwondo competitive skills by using electronic protective gear




李亦芳(Yi-Fang Li);蔡秀華(Hsiu-Hua Tsai);程瑞福(Jui-Fu Chen)


電子護具 ; 跆拳道 ; 比賽技術 ; electronic protection/ electronic protective gears ; taekwondo ; competitive skills




49卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


177 - 193




緒論:跆拳道正式使用電子護具進行比賽已實施8年之久,雖然電子護具明顯影響跆拳道的比賽型態,但學術研究中卻缺乏以電子護具為主題的研究,而其中更缺少來自選手與教練的親身經驗。故本研究將以田野研究方式從實際經驗出發,旨在探討電子護具使用後對於跆拳道比賽技術的影響,進一步理解科技與技術之間的關係。方法:在訓練場與比賽場進行長時間的田野觀察,並針對國內外資深跆拳道選手與教練進行半結構式訪談,以了解各電子護具之比賽技術內容。結果:一、電子護具更換快速且感應特性皆不同。二、Lajust電子護具之比賽技術為:主攻上端、重擊中端、手部防禦效果提升,而旋踢技術效果降低且收腿速度放慢,以及透過水份可增加電子傳導感應效果。三、Daedo電子護具之比賽技術為主攻上端、踩點、壓、刷、推、勾與中端內跨、且因手部防禦效果提高而使比賽節奏變慢,以及隨著電子襪更新感應得分愈顯困難。四、KP & P電子護具之比賽技術為主攻上端、重擊中端、單拍打法、收腿技術恢復效果,而踩點與手部防禦的效果卻逐漸降低,然而2014年仍有多數選手未使用過KP & P故缺乏此套護具的因應策略。五、科技引導跆拳道比賽技術的轉變,跆拳道比賽技術隨著電子護具的更換而改變。結論:科技不僅促使新技術的發展甚至產生新的比賽優勢,並引發長期訓練所建立的技術與知識因更換護具而逐漸失效的新隱憂,科技已成為引導技術轉變的重要角色。


Introduction: The electronic protective gears have been used for 8 years in Taekwondo competitions. Even though electronic protective gears have significant influence to Taekwondo competition skill, but still, there are few studies for electronic gears in academic field, and they are short of competitors and coaches experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand the interactions between technology and skill by investigate the impact on competitive skills of using electronic protective gear in Taekwondo competitions. Methods: Semi-structured interview and Field research was adopted in this study. This research took place at training camp and competition by interviews taekwondo competitors and taekwondo coaches in order to understand the competitive skills of using electronic protective gear. Results: The results indicate that, 1. Electronic protective gears replace fast, and the sensing system is different from each other. 2. The competitive skills in Lajust electronic protective gear include: head kick, strong kick and hand defense skill become more important, round middle kick is lesser useful, snapped leg cannot be too fast, and the sense ability can use water to increase the probability of induction score. 3. The competitive skills in Daedo electronic protective gear including: head kick, "tread", "push", "brush", "touch", " sweep " and middle crescent kick. The competition's rhythm became slower due to hand defense became more effective. As the electronic socks evolutionary the scoring became more difficult and hand defense skill were very useful. 4. The competitive skills in KP&P electronic protective gear including: head kick, strong kick and snapped leg, single kick, the "tread", "push", "touch" and the hand defense skill became lesser useful. However, there are many competitors had never use KP &P before 2014. Therefore, competitors and coaches do not have enough KP &P's counter measures. 5. Technology leads the transformation of taekwondo competition skill. Conclusion: Technology impels the development of new competition skill, makes new competition advantages, and causes the underlying apprehensive of skills and knowledge established by long term of training become less effectiveness. Technology has become the key of competition skill transformation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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