


Service quality in spectator sporting events: Scaledevelopment and validation




陳成業(Chen-Yueh Chen)


運動產業 ; 運動管理 ; 運動賽會 ; 運動行銷 ; sport industry ; sport management ; sport event ; sport marketing




49卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


195 - 207




緒論︰「服務品質」的議題在企業管理領域中已經被廣泛及深入的探討。運動管理領域的學者已經意識到,倘若要將先前研究結果直接套用於觀賞性運動賽會情境中,或是僅是局部修改所引用的量表,其適用性則是有待商榷。儘管運動管理領域研究者也投入研究運動領域中的服務品質要素之探討,但是過去相關文獻卻仍然有許多限制與缺點。因此,本研究主題為賽會品質之量表發展及驗證。方法︰本研究依據Churchill (1979)及Chaudhuri, Mazumdar, 與Ghoshal (2011)提出的研究流程為基礎進行本研究之分析。本研究之流程包含六個階段,分述如下。第一階段主要是產生量表題項、選擇題項與內容效度之確認;第二階段主要是量表題項之淨化與修編;第三階段主要是量表潛在因素結構之探索與信度之確認;第四階段主要是檢視由第三階段產生的因素結構之概化程度;第五階段主要是覆合效化第四階段之研究結果;第六階段主要是檢視量表的預測效度。本研究統計分析將使用SPSS 18.0與LISERL 8.51統計軟體進行分析,並將顯著水準訂於p < .05。結果︰研究結果顯示,在球賽開賽前的服務品質要素共萃取五個因素構面,分別為「球場內硬體條件」、「聲光效果」、「售票便利性」、「服務人員態度」、「開場活動」。球賽進行中的服務品質要素共萃取四個因素構面,分別為「攻守交替的串場活動」、「場館清潔」、「球員表現」、「球賽氣氛」。球賽結束後的服務品質要素共萃取兩個因素構面,包含「賽後活動」與「散場動線規劃」。經再一次的驗證其因素結構,結果顯示本量表具有好的效度與信度。結論︰此外,本研究探討中華職棒賽會服務品質、現場觀眾滿意度與其再購意願之路徑關係,結果顯示中華職棒賽會服務品質正向預測現場觀眾滿意度;而現場觀眾滿意度正向預測其再購意願。


Introduction: The issue of service quality has been thoroughly and extensively investigated in the domain of business management. Sport management researchers have come to realize that service quality scales developed or revised from the generic service context may be inappropriate and questionable in spectator sporting events. While sport management researchers have made considerable efforts in exploring service quality scale in spectator sporting events, there were still a variety of limitations associated with the scales. Therefore, the current research was to investigate the topic of service quality in spectator sporting events; more specifically, this research was to develop a scale associated with service quality in spectator sporting events, and to validate the scale. Methods: The current research followed the research procedures suggested by Churchill (1979) and Chaudhuri, Mazumdar, & Ghoshal (2011). This research included six studies as follows. Study I aimed at item generation, item selection, and ensuring content validity. Study II was to purify and refine the items. Study III explored the tentative factor structure and examines the reliability. Study IV investigated the generalizability of the factor structure derived from Study III. Study V cross-validated the model derived from Study IV. Study VI examined the predictive validity of the scale. SPSS 18.0 and LISERL 8.51 along with the significance level of .05 were used for data analysis in the current research. Results: Results has shown that "Facilities," "Acoustics," "Ticket Sales Convenience," "Staff Attitude," "Game Opening Activities," "Activities between Innings," "Cleanliness," "Player Performance," "Game Atmosphere," "Post Game Activities," and "Post Game Logistics" form spectators sport event service quality. The scale showed that acceptable validity and reliability. Conclusion: Additionally, service quality positively predicted spectator satisfaction; spectator satisfaction positively predicted their intention to attend the game.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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