


Factors affecting the career choices of university physical education students as verified through the social cognitive career theory




詹俊成(Chun-Chen Chan);林裕恩(Yu-En Lin);林郁偉(Yu-Wei Lin);廖宗耀(Tsung-Yao Liao);陳素青(Su-Ching Chen)


大學生 ; 生涯自我效能 ; 社會認知理論 ; 職涯發展 ; college student ; career self-efficacy ; social cognitive theory ; profession development




49卷3期(2016 / 09 / 01)


317 - 335




緒論:生涯選擇是人類發展過程中連續性的決策歷程,其受到個人因素與環境因素的交互影響,而如何作出最適合自己興趣與能力的生涯選擇,不但攸關個體未來之生涯發展與成就,亦會對國家各專業領域人力資源管理策略有著深遠的影響。基於此,本研究以社會認知生涯理論為基礎,建構大學體育系學生生涯選擇模式,進而探討社會支持、學習經驗、生涯自我效能、結果預期與職業興趣對大學體育系學生生涯選擇之影響。方法:本研究以大學體育系四年級學生為研究對象,採問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,共發出410 份調查問卷,有效問卷計389 份,所得資料以描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關、驗證性因素分析與結構方程模式進行統計分析。結果:一、社會支持、學習經驗、生涯自我效能、結果預期、職業興趣與生涯選擇各變項彼此間均呈現顯著正向關係;二、本研究所建構之大學體育系學生生涯選擇行為模式,模式與樣本資料適配度達可接受標準,除社會支持與結果預期對生涯選擇的徑路估計值未達顯著水準外,其餘各潛在變項間之直接或間皆影響效果均獲得證實。結論:本研究依據社會認知生涯理論所建構的模式可有效解釋大學體育系學生的生涯選擇,各研究變項彼此間關係密切,並以職業興趣最能影響體育系學生的生涯選擇。本研究結果除給學校輔導單位提供實務應用之建議外,也可作為未來相關研究的參考。


Introduction: People continually make career choices when developing, and such choices are correlated with personal and environmental factors. Choosing the career that fulfills one's own interests and abilities not only concerns one's own future career development and achievement, but also affects the human resource management strategies of various professional fields in a country considerably. Therefore, on the basis of the social cognitive career theory, we established a model for explaining the career choices of university physical education (PE) students and explored the effects of social support, learning experience, career self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and professional interests on the career choices of these students. Methods: Fourth-year university PE students were recruited in this study. Data were collected by conducting a questionnaire survey. A total of 410 questionnaires were distributed, and 389 valid questionnaires were returned. The obtained data were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, confirmatory factor analyses, and structural equation modeling. Results: (a) Variables involving social support, learning experience, career self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and professional interests were positively correlated with each other. (b) The goodness-of-fit of the model and the sample data on the university PE students in this study reached an acceptable level. Apart from social support and expected results demonstrating nonsignificant effects on career choices, all the other potential variables were confirmed to affect career choices directly or indirectly. Conclusion: We effectively explain the career choices of university PE students by using the model created according to the social cognitive career theory. All the variables are closely correlated with one another, and professional interests considerably influence the PE students' career choices. The results of this study can serve as a practical reference for school advising units and future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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