


Psychometric properties of the sport psychological capital questionnaire




張文馨(Wen-Hsin Chang);季力康(Li-kang Chi)


自我效能 ; 復原力 ; 希望感 ; 樂觀 ; 正向心理學 ; 測量恆等性 ; 幸福感 ; 運動表現 ; self-efficacy ; resilience ; hope ; optimism ; positive psychology ; measurement invariance ; well-being ; sport performance




49卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


415 - 430




緒論:本研究主要目的為編制一份適合運動領域的心理資本測量工具。方法:本研究採用調查法,包含三部分。第一部分進以Luthans 等 (2007) 發展的心理資本量表24題為藍本進行題目的編制。第二部分預試以150 名大專運動員為研究對象,採用探索性因素分析建立因素結構、題目鑑別度與內部一致性。第三部分正式施測以219 名大專運動員為研究對象,使用驗證性因素分析,並進行平均變異數抽取量、組合信度、效標關聯效度、預測效度與測量恆等性檢定。結果:探索性因素分析結果共有四個因素,分別為自我效能、希望感、復原力與樂觀,共計22 題,總解釋變異量為61.04%。驗證性因素分析結果顯示整體模式有良好的整體適配度 (χ2/df = 2.88, RMR = 0.043,RMSEA =0.092,GFI=0.80,AGFI = 0.75,NFI = 0.83,CFI = 0.88,PNFI = 0.73,PGFI = 0.64),Cronbach’s α 值介 .83 - .91 之間。量表有良好的內部一致性係數、因素效度、校標關聯效度與預測效度,且具跨男性與女性運動員的測量恆等性。結論:運動心理資本量表為信度與效度指標良好的自評測量工具,可直接運用至運動領域的研究工具。


The purpose of the present research describes the development and psychometric evaluation of the Sport Psychological Capital Questionnaire. Methods: The present study adopted survey method including three procedures. The procedure one was to develop questionnaire items based on 24-items psychological capital questionnaire (Luthans, et al., 2007). For procedure two, 150 athletes from collegiate team Division I were participated. The collected data was analyzed with exploratory factor analysis to test the factorial structure, item discrimination and internal consistency of the questionnaire. The participants of procedure three were 219 athletes from collegiate team Division I. The data was to proceed to confirmatory factor analysis, average variance extracted amount, composite reliability, and criterion related validity, predictive validity and measurement invariance. Results: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed a four-factor sport psychological capital questionnaire with items, named hope, resilience, optimistic and self-efficacy; the four factors could account of total explained variance 61.04%. Meanwhile, the result of confirmatory factor analysis of overall index model was found to be good overall fit (χ2/df = 2.88, RMR = 0.043,RMSEA = 0.092,GFI = 0.80,AGFI = 0.75,NFI = 0.83,CFI = 0.88,PNFI = 0.73,PGFI = 0.64). Cronbach's α of the constructs ranged from .83 - .91. Adequate internal consistency reliability, factorial validity and criterion related validity. Most important, factorial invariance of the sport psychological capital measurement was demonstrated across male and female athletes. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the psychological capital questionnaire may be a useful self-report measure with good reliability and validity. Current study provides researchers with a preliminary measure can be applied to sport field.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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