
Immigration experience and sport participation of first-generation Chinese immigrants






林彥君(Yen-Chun Lin);陳美燕( Mei-Yen Chen)


sport development ; social relations ; social inclusion ; 運動發展 ; 社會人際關係 ; 社會融和




49卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


465 - 481




Introduction: Chinese cultural attitudes toward sports in general remain inhibited by the traditional belief that development of mental faculties is much more important than development of physical capacities. For sport managers to effectively serve this population, need assessments are necessary and valuable for program provisions. Thus, this study explored the sport participation and integration experiences of first-generation Chinese immigrants in the United States in order to improve sport provision to immigrants. Methods: Ten first-generation Taiwanese and Chinese immigrants, six males and four females, were contacted through personal connections and snowball sampling for semi-structured interviews. The participants ranged in age from 40-63 years, were all middle-class, and ranged in length of stay in the U.S. from 13-32 years. Results: Three principal themes emerged, which were common to participants but manifested in different life stories. One theme is that immigrants participated in more styles of recreational sport activities and more frequently than they had before immigrating. Another theme is social relations generated from sport and leisure participation was significant for immigrants' ethnic networks and non-ethnic peers. Sport and leisure participation was a useful vehicle for immigrants to facilitate their social relations in the new country. The other theme is their concepts of sport positively changed after immigration but the priority of sport participation and value of sport remained secondary compared to traditional emphasis. Conclusion: For sport program managers, sport participation can be appealing to first-generation Chinese immigrants as their concepts regarding sport changed and participation frequency increased. However, the social relations built through sports play a pivotal role for immigrants' integration to their new country, which should be highlighted in program designation.


緒論:美國社會的運動觀念及參與習慣與華人傳統重心智發展的觀念相異,本研究透過訪談探討第一代華人移民移居美國後,運動觀念和參與習慣的改變及對移民經驗的影響。在運動發展中,運動參與除可培育競技選手外,亦可用參與運動的益處吸引目標群體。例如:運動產生的社會人際關係可為催化移民融入新社會的途徑之一。為有效提供運動參與機會,本研究探討移民的運動經驗及需求,及透過運動融入新社會的經驗,以做為提供運動參與機會的基礎。方法:10 位來自臺灣與中國的第一代移民透過滾雪球方式募集而接受訪談,其中有6 位男性。年齡分布從40 至63 歲,在美國居住時間最長為32 年,最短是13 年。受訪者皆自評其社經地位為中產階級。訪談內容包含:移民經驗,目前日常活動,移民前及移民後的運動經驗,移民前及移民後的運動觀念,對於運動參與的整體感想。結果:研究結果可歸納為三個主題:1. 移民後受訪者參與更多種類的運動,參與頻率也增加。此外,受訪者認同及體驗心智及體能共同發展的重要。2. 運動為有效的社交媒介,透過運動建立的社會關係對受訪者的人際發展有助益,此人際網包含華人及其他種族的參與者。3. 即使受訪者對運動的態度有正向改變,也鼓勵孩子參與,但當運動與傳統核心如智育發展牴觸時,運動的順位仍低。結論:故美國的運動風氣改變第一代華人移民的運動觀念,同時也提升其運動參與。然而,此改變的影響力未及於傳統核心觀念。但運動參與創造的社會關係對移民的社會融入仍有益,且可為提升及持續參與的誘因。

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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