


Developing and validating a spectator stimuli scale for SBL game




許建民(Chien-Ming Hsu)


超級籃球聯賽 ; 現場觀賞 ; 環境刺激 ; 量表編製 ; SBL ; sport spectator ; environment stimuli ; scale development




50卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


83 - 94




緒論:運動行銷文獻顯示,觀眾之所以願意花錢到現場觀賞比賽主要是因為現場氣氛使然,因此若能對現場觀賞氣氛形成因子有深入的暸解,可以讓運動組織創造出一個符合觀眾偏好的場館環境。為了幫助運動組織暸解觀眾的需求與慾望,本研究的目的就在編製一份具有信、效度,並且可做為確認玩場觀賞重要刺激來源之量表。方法:研究概分為兩個部分,第一部分為預備性研究,主要透過小組討論和專家檢視以建立內容效度,另也透過項目分析初步篩選出鑑別力較差的題項;第二部分為實證調查研究,分別以不同的樣本進行探索性和驗證性因素分析,同時也考驗量表的各種信、效度。結果:探索性因素分析結果顯示,包含觀眾引發、比賽引發和籌辦者引發三因素的現場觀賞刺激來源量表總解釋變異量為58.57% ;駿證性因素分析結果顯示此二階層三因素模式量表具有可接受的適配度、組成信度、聚合效度、區別效度和效標關聯效度。結論:二階三因素的SBL現場觀賞刺激來源量表是一個能滿足實證研究要求的測量工具,可做為賽事主辦單位診斷與規劃賽事刺激來源之參考。


Introduction: According to the literature on sport marketing, the most important reason why people spend money to attend sport events is mainly due to enjoy the special atmosphere in sport stadiums. Therefore, the better our understanding of stadium atmosphere formation factors, the more able sport organizations are to build a spectator environment that match spectators' preference. To help sport organizations understand the needs and wants of sport spectators, this study aim to develop a reliable and valid scale to measure the key stimuli elements in a spectator sport setting. Methods: This study is accomplished through two stages. Firstly, in the pilot study stage, group discussion and experts review were used to establish content validity. Item analysis was performed to remove those failed to reveal the quality of measurement. Secondly, in the empirical study stage, two different spectator samples were surveyed for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factory analysis (CFA) respectively. In addition, various statistical analyses were used to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. Results: Three factors named spectator-induced, game-induced and organizer-induced stimuli were generated from EFA which accounted for 58.57% of the total variance. CFA showed that second-order model with the 3 sub-dimensions best fit the data. The composite reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity and criterion-related validity of the final instrument were acceptable. Conclusion: The results indicated that the second order three factors' scale fitted empirical data well. This scale can be used as a managerial reference for organizers to investigate the intensity of environmental stimuli on each game.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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