
The applications of social media in sports marketing






黃煜(Yu Huang);徐任賢(Jen-Hsien Hsu)


social media ; social media analytics ; big data ; 社群媒體 ; 社群媒體資料分析 ; 大數據




50卷S期(2017 / 12 / 02)


1 - 18




Introduction: In the era of big data, sports consumer's activities in social media become valuable assets to sports marketers. In this paper, the authors review extant literature regarding how to effectively use social media to promote sports as well as how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions. Methods: The literature review method. Results: Our findings suggest that sports marketers can use social media to achieve the following goals, such as facilitating marketing communication campaigns, adding values to sports products and services, creating a two-way communication between sports brands and consumers, supporting sports sponsorship program, and forging brand communities. As to how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions, extent literature suggests that sports marketers to undertake traffic and engagement analysis on their social media sites as well as to conduct sentiment analysis to probe customer's opinions. These insights can support various aspects of business decisions, such as marketing communication management, consumer's voice probing, and sales predictions. Conclusion: Social media are ubiquitous in the sports marketing and consumption practices. In the era of big data, these "footprints" can now be effectively analyzed to generate insights to support business decisions. Recommendations to both the sports marketing practices and research are also addressed.


作者黃煜(Yu Huang);徐任賢(Jen-Hsien Hsu)篇名The applications of social media in sports marketing並列篇名社群媒體在運動行銷應用之探討關鍵字social media;social media analytics;big data並列關鍵字社群媒體;社群媒體資料分析;大數據摘要Introduction: In the era of big data, sports consumer's activities in social media become valuable assets to sports marketers. In this paper, the authors review extant literature regarding how to effectively use social media to promote sports as well as how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions. Methods: The literature review method. Results: Our findings suggest that sports marketers can use social media to achieve the following goals, such as facilitating marketing communication campaigns, adding values to sports products and services, creating a two-way communication between sports brands and consumers, supporting sports sponsorship program, and forging brand communities. As to how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions, extent literature suggests that sports marketers to undertake traffic and engagement analysis on their social media sites as well as to conduct sentiment analysis to probe customer's opinions. These insights can support various aspects of business decisions, such as marketing communication management, consumer's voice probing, and sales predictions. Conclusion: Social media are ubiquitous in the sports marketing and consumption practices. In the era of big data, these "footprints" can now be effectively analyzed to generate insights to support business decisions. Recommendations to both the sports marketing practices and research are also addressed.並列摘要緒論:近年社群媒體的無所不在讓多企業感受到其魅力,運動行銷人員也認同其價值並應用在許多層面,同時,大數據時代的來臨也提供社群媒體內容分析的技術已進一步了解使用者的社群媒體的消費行為,針對此,本文試圖分析社群媒體在運動產業較常見的應用方式以及探討社群媒體可應用於運動商業領域的社群媒體分析技術。方法:本文主要是透過相關文獻回顧及探討。結果:顯示社群媒體可以提供多元的功能,首先,社群媒體是促銷媒介可擴大宣傳成效。第二,提供即時傳播服務以提升內容娛樂價值。第三,雙向互動可彙整消費者建議。第四,社群媒體可納入贊助權益及活化規劃元素之一。另外,社群媒體有效地群聚消費者。針對社群媒體內容分析技術部分,本文建議運動行銷經理人針對其所經營之社群網站進行流量(traffic analysis)、參與度(engagementanalysis)以及情感分析(sentiment analysis)。分析結果將有助於管理行銷溝通成效、了解消費者的意見氣候以及預測未來銷售。結論:基於社群媒體使用族群龐大,許多運動組織也紛紛提出行銷相關應用,而消費者在使用社群媒體時產生了巨量資料,這些巨量資料形成的大數據分析的基礎,另藉由現今資訊分析的技術可以探討社群媒體所產生的資料並作為了解消費者使用行為及預測分析的依據。最後,本文也提出學術界及實務界之建議事項。專欄名稱期刊語言別英文DOI10.3966/10247297201712500S001

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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