


Ggendered representation in Jung Dayeon's fitness texts




黃雅倩(Ya-Chien Huang)


鄭多燕 ; 塑(健)身操文本 ; 女性身體 ; 性別再現 ; Jung Dayeon ; fitness texts ; female body ; gender representation




51卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


127 - 141






Introduction: Aerobics is one of the sports that women are encouraged to participate in and predominantly participated by women. In 2011, Jung Dayeon, a South Korean lady, who successfully shed 30 kilograms through diet and self-styled figurobics, has created a fitness sensation in East Asia. Her fitness books and DVDs have been one of the most popular in Taiwan and her name has become synonymous with the ideal toned female body. However, academics have long held polarized opinions on commercial fitness texts and their impact on women's development since the publication of Jane Fonda's Workout Book in 1981. Methods: This paper used narrative analysis to investigate the ways in which relationships among gender ideology, body images, fitness and health are represented in the texts authored by Jung Dayeon. Results: Analysis shows that the texts play up her dramatic physical transformations in a narrative assisted by medical, diet, health, self-improvement, and leisure discourses in order to package and promote a slim, muscular and sculpted female body. Jung's texts have deployed images and words which normalize the dominant heterosexual gender ideologies in society and obscured the lines between the pursuit of fitness and the pursuit of beauty. Conclusion: It is vital to examine fitness texts, as they do not only carry social expectations on women’s body and health, but also shape the gender ideologies in society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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