


A content analytical systematic review on SCUBA diving studies in Taiwan, 2003-2017




溫卓謀(Cho-Mou Wen);章勝傑(Simon Chang);莊鑫裕(Hsin-Yu Chuang)


休閒運動 ; 文獻回顧 ; 質性研究 ; leisure sports ; literature review ; qualitative studies




51卷3期(2018 / 09 / 01)


275 - 291






Introduction: This study was conducted to examine the profiles of SCUBA studies of past 15 years in Taiwan, to manifest important research issues in this field and to explore the possibilities of future research. Method: One hundred and thirty one empirical studies on leisure SCUBA diving published from 2003 to 2017 were systematically reviewed with content analysis method. All papers were coded by two coders with a structured coding sheet. Results: It was found that the number of papers published increased gradually from year 2003 and went down after peaked in 2013. Most of the studies were in the format of thesis and that quantitative studies outnumbered qualitative studies. It seemed that SCUBA diving researchers in Taiwan had strong preference for survey or correlative studies utilizing questionnaires and/or scales as research tools. Gender, age, level of education, job, income, diving years, diver certificates earned, and diving frequencies were among the most-examined background variables. Leisure motivation, perceived risks, leisure constraints, and leisure involvement are psychological constructs researched mostly. Theories on serious leisure, flow, and recreation specialization were applied more often than other theories. Conclusion: There was a tendency of de-contextualization for studies in this field, and there were needs of research on various issues. It is suggested that longitudinal studies can be employed to examine the research trends. Qualitative research might be helpful to examine the development processes of SCUBA diving participants. Action research or experimental studies could be conducted to solve realistic problems. Besides, the facilitating or handicapping factors on specific diving skill learning worth further exploration. The learning and instruction issues of SCUBA diving also deserve further researching. More focus could be put on the study of leisure industry or risk management. Finally, recently development of research topics such as adaptive SCUBA diving, the application of virtual reality, and examining the impact of SCUBA diving on participants' cognitive, emotional, and physical functions also worth trying.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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