


An investigation of South Korea's strategies for elite sport development from the perspective of the SPLISS model




陳昱文(Yu-Wen Chen);金雪(Seol Kim);黃郁綺(Yu-Chi Huang);湯添進(Tien-Chin Tan)


南韓 ; 運動政策 ; 成功關鍵因子 ; 奧運 ; South Korea ; sports policy ; the critical success factors ; the Olympic Games




51卷3期(2018 / 09 / 01)


387 - 410




緒論:韓國自1984年洛杉磯奧運擠進世界前10名開始,迄今逾三十年,每屆夏季奧運始終名列前茅,但同處東亞的臺灣,對其競技運動發展的相關探討卻是鳳毛麟角。本研究主要探討韓國競技運動發展之策略,希冀進一步瞭解韓國競技運動成功因素以及潛藏的問題,以提供臺灣學術界以及相關單位參考。方法:本研究採內容分析法與半結構式訪談,以De Bosscher等提出「國際運動成功之運動政策因素」Sports Policy Factors Leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS)模式做為分析依據。主要資料來源有韓國官方資料、學術期刊與媒體報導,以及訪談11位韓國的政府官員、協會主管、教練及選手等重要關係人。結果:發現韓國的發展策略,已全面涵蓋SPLISS模式下9個競技運動成功關鍵因子,分別有:一、經費自中央轉移至基金會、地方政府與民間;二、建立由韓國奧會統整執行的行政組織;三、從教育系統提高運動參與率;四、建立人才資料庫、強化地方政府和軍方培訓制度;五、提供退役後就業及升學的輔導與補助;六、政府與企業成立5個功能不同的國家級運動訓練中心;七、建立教練認證與培育制度;八、主辦多個國際大型賽事;九、設立國家與民間運動科學中心。結論:韓國發展策略相當全面,尤其是結合民間企業、軍方與地方政府等資源管道,以及越來越重視運動員在不同生涯時期的權益。也就是說,韓國在競技運動發展上,與民間企業緊密的結合、國民體育振興公團的經營、運動員權益的保障措施以及對地方政府與軍方在競技運動發展系統上角色的強化等,都有其過人之處。不過,其在策略運用上卻也存在一些問題,如中央與地方的競技目標不一致、國家隊教練薪資過低以及在某些運動種類上國家運科中心的成效不明顯等,都可能成為阻礙韓國競技運動成績突破的絆腳石。


Introduction: Since South Korea first got into the top ten at the medal table in the 1984 Summer Olympic Games held in Los Angeles, the country's total medal counts have always been among the most in three decades. However, here in the neighboring Taiwan, few studies research on South Korea's elite sport development. This study investigates South Korea's strategies for elite sport development and further analyzes the factors that lead to its success. South Korea's experience can also sets a good example for Taiwan to learn from. Methods: Content analysis and semi-structural interviews are adopted. This study explores South Korea's strategies for elite sport development on the basis of the model of ‘Sports Policy Factors Leading to International Sporting Success' (SPLISS) promoted by De Bosscher and her research team. Sources of the data analyzed in this study include official documents from the South Korean government, academic journals, news reports as well as interviews of key persons including eleven South Korean government officials, directors of sports associations, coaches and elite athletes. Results: The strategies adopted by South Korea for elite sport development correspond with the nine determinant pillars for achieving international sporting success in the SPLISS model. They include the following: (1) the major source of financial supports changed from the central government budget to various foundations, local governments and the private sector. (2) A hierarchical administrative system led by the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee was formed. (3) Sport participation rate was improved due to the transformation in its educational system. (4) A talent pool of elite athletes was built; athlete training systems in local governments and in the military were fortified. (5) Counseling and subsidies were provided to retired athletes who wished to continue on education or pursue other career paths. (6) The government and private companies founded five national training centers that serve different purposes. (7) Coach certification and training systems were established. (8) The government hosted multiple international mega sporting events. (9) National and private sports science centers were established. Conclusion: South Korea's strategies of elite sport development are comprehensive- particularly in the aspects of integrating resources form the private companies, the military and the local governments, and in putting more emphasis on protecting elite athletes' rights throughout their career paths. That is to say, the strengths of South Korea's elite sport development lie in the private sector's engagement, the establishment of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, the protection of athletes' rights, and the strengthening of the roles that local governments and the military play in its elite sports development system. However, South Korea's elite sport development still faces some challenges. For example, there are discrepancies in the goal of elite sport development between central and local governments. The salary of national team coaches is below expectation. In addition, some national sports science centers failed to significantly improve medal counts in some sports. All these may become the stumbling block to South Korea's breakthrough in international sporting success.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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