


The learning needs of sport nutrition for fitness instructor to provide sport nutrition services




錢桂玉(Kuei-Yu Chien);張凱馨(Kai-Hsin Chang);劉珍芳(Jen-Fang Liu);簡麗瑜(Li-Yu Chien)


運動指導員 ; 身體活動 ; 飲食 ; 進修 ; exercise instructors ; physical activity ; diet ; training course




52卷S期(2019 / 03 / 01)


47 - 59




目的:探討健身指導教練在運動營養指導上的經驗與學習需求。方法:本研究採質性研究法及半結構式深度訪談,依立意取樣原則邀請7位臺灣北部具備一年以上經驗,及在教學過程中具有運動營養指導經驗之專業健身指導教練。健身指導教練沒有從事運動指導教學五年以上為排除條件。訪談期間為2017年9月到2018年3月,每位受訪者依訪談指引進行一至二次訪談,以錄音方式進行資料搜集,並在訪談結束後將受訪者所陳述的感受與經驗轉換成文字敘述並進行厚實描述(thick description),並以內容分析方法進行資料分析。本研究遵循確實性、可轉化性、可靠性以及可確認性原則,採用內容分析法進行資料分析。結果:研究結果發現健身指導教練在運動營養指導上,面對學員基本疑問能夠應對無礙,而在學習需求上,則希望能學習到能幫助特殊群體的運動營養知識、生活化的食物選擇及代換的知識、當前流行議題的運動營養知識、有說服力的溝通與表達技巧、以及能活用的學習方式。結論:接受訪談的健身指導教練表示於日常指導時大多能夠應對學員提出的運動營養問題,但仍有針對特定議題之運動營養知識以及溝通與表達技巧的學習需求,也期望以活用的學習方式來獲取知識。建議未來在設計健身指導訓練課程時,能依據健身指導教練的需求,及成人的學習特質來安排訓練課程,使運動指導教練能夠達到自我期望,獲得專業成就感。


Introduction: This study explored the experiences and learning needs of sport nutrition for fitness instructors when providing sports nutrition advices. Methods: Qualitative design was adopted with semi-structured in-depth interviews in present study. With purposive sampling, seven fitness instructors who possessed at least one-year experience and had given sport nutrition advices were invited to participate in this study. Fitness instructors who had not engaged in fitness instruction for more than five years were excluded from this study. The interviews were conducted during September 2017 and March 2018, and each participant received 1 to 2 interviews with an interview guide. The interview data were recorded, and the feelings and experiences stated by the participants were transcribed verbatim after interview. With thick description, the data were analyzed by content analysis method. Principles of credibility, transferability, dependability and confirm ability were adhered for ensuring rigor in this study. Results: The participating fitness instructors perceived they were capable of responding to the clients' basic sport/exercise nutrition questions with ease. In terms of learning needs, the instructors expressed they would like to possess sport nutrition knowledge that could help clients with special needs, with daily dietary exchange, and with the updated popular nutritional issues relates to sports. The fitness instructors also expressed that they would like to obtain persuasive communication skills, and to learn all the sport nutrition knowledge with approaches that could make the knowledge with flexible use. Conclusion: Although most fitness instructors stated they were able to provide answers to clients' questions regarding sports nutrition, there are learning needs required regarding persuasive communication skills and specific sports nutrition knowledge. The fitness instructors also expected to possess knowledge in ways that are more practical and flexibility. It is recommended that fitness instructors' learning needs and adult learning attributes should take into account when designing fitness instructor training course.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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