


The influence of dynamic taping on landing strategy from platform in athletes with ankle instability




邱藍億(Lan-Yi Chiu);林建志(Jian-Zhi Lin);李恆儒(Heng-Ju Lee)


慢性踝關節不穩定 ; 踝關節扭傷 ; 生物力學 ; 外在支撐 ; chronic ankle instability ; ankle sprain ; biomechanics ; external support




53卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


61 - 73




緒論:踝關節貼紮是有效減少踝關節再次扭傷的介入方式,但貼紮的原理會限制踝關節活動角度,可能在著地過程影響下肢對於地面反作用力的緩衝能力,造成下肢關節額外的負荷。因此本研究利用具彈性的動態貼布進行踝關節貼紮,主要探討動態貼布貼紮後的運動學、動力學與肌肉活化參數的測量,定量單腳著地動作模式與下肢關節能量吸收是否因動態貼布而產生改變。方法:實驗以14名平時具運動習慣的慢性踝關節不穩定族群為實驗參與者(年齡22.9 ± 2.4歲、身高168.2 ± 8.1 公分與體重63.0 ± 9.4公斤),實驗參與者會在動態貼紮前後分別進行40公分高臺單腳著地測試,利用Vicon三度空間影像分析系統(250 Hz)、Kistler測力板(2000 Hz) 與Delsys無線肌肉電訊號(2000 Hz)同步收集動作過程踝關節矢狀面與額狀面角度與角速度、力矩與功率動力學與腓骨長肌、脛前肌與腓腸肌肌肉活化資料,統計方法以成對樣本T 檢定進行統計上的驗證(α= .05)。結果:本研究結果發現在動態貼紮後,著地瞬間的踝關節內翻角度、外翻角速度顯著大於貼紮前(p < .05),且在動力學參數發現下蹲期最大蹠屈肌離心功率顯著小於貼紮前(p < .05),著地瞬間腓骨長肌活化顯著小於貼紮前(p < .05)。結論:動態貼布貼紮可有效地改善踝關節能量的吸收,未來可以當成慢性踝關節不穩定族群參與運動時貼紮的另一種選擇。


Introduction: Ankle taping is a kind of efficient way to prevent recurrent ankle sprain. Though it also restrict ankle ROM during activity, it may influence shock absorption of lower extremities and increase extra load on lower extremities. Dynamic tape is an innovative tape which is different from inelastic tape and kinesiotape. This study compared the differences of kinematics and kinetics in chronic ankle instability when performing single leg drop landing with and without dynamic taping to confirm shock absorption condition. Methods: Fourteen chronic ankle instability participants with regular exercise habits were enrolled in our study. Participants were asked to perform single leg drop landing from 40 cm platform with and without dynamic taping. The kinematic and kinetic data were collected by Vicon 3D motion analysis system (250 Hz), Kislter force plate (2000 Hz) and Delsys surface EMG (2000 Hz). These data were synchronized by using Nexus motion capture software. Paired sample t test was used to analyze the statistical difference with alpha level of .05. Results: The results showed that the ankle inversion angle and eversion angular velocity were significantly greater with dynamic taping in the moment of landing (p < .05). The maximum eccentric power of plantarflexors was significantly decreased than pre-tape in descending period (p < .05) and the muscular activation of peroneus longus was also decreased in landing period (p < .05). However, there was no difference on the peak vertical ground reaction force and time to peak vertical ground reaction force. Conclusion: Dynamic taping can efficiently improve shock absorption of ankle joint when landing. It can be an another choice of ankle taping for chronic ankle instability in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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