


Fan's team identification, attitude towards sponsor, and leisure benefits: The mediation effect of different word of mouth intention types




賴岳炫(Yueh-Hsyuan Lai);曾盛恕(Seng-Su Tsang);林孟彥(Tom M. Y. Lin)


社會認同 ; 推薦口碑意願 ; 防衛口碑意願 ; 球隊贊助企業 ; 球迷 ; social identity ; recommend WOM intention ; defend WOM intention ; corporate sponsorship ; sport fan




53卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


95 - 110






Introduction: This study combines social identity theory and team identification-social psychological health model to verify an exploratory theoretical model of team identification and word-of-mouth intention for sponsor benefits and fans' leisure benefits. In addition, WOM intention would be divided into two dimensions as the recommend WOM intention as well as the defended WOM intention. Researchers attempt to explore the dual role of fans on the benefits of fan welfare and professional sports sponsors at the same time. Methods: In the study we use self-reporting scales and cross-sectional design. Data with 307 valid questionnaires were collected from on site of the chinese professional baseball league. partial least square procedure with Smart-PLS 3.0 was employed to test the exploratory research model and hypotheses. We draft an interview outline based on the analysis results and discuss with professional baseball team player, staff, and a sports reporter for the verification of phenomenon and insights of management. Results: The results show team identification positively affects recommend WOM intention, defend WOM intention, attitude towards sponsor and leisure benefits. Defend WOM intention positively influences attitude towards sponsor, on the other hand recommend WOM intention positively influences leisure benefits. In addition to this, defend WOM intention as the intermediate variable explains the relationship between team identification and attitude towards sponsor. Similarly, recommend WOM intention as the intermediate variable explains the relationship between team identification and leisure benefits. Conclusion: The exploratory theoretical framework proposed in this study verifies that cultivating team identification is conducive to promoting the commercial development of professional sports and leisure benefits of fans. We should pay more attention to the differences that the fans' recommend WOM intention will help to improve individual leisure benefits and defend WOM intention will help to improve the positive attitude of fans to sponsoring companies. Researchers suggest that sport teams and corporate sponsors can actively demonstrate corporate social responsibility behavior to maintain brand image and good reputation, which will help increase fans' recommend WOM intention communication and foster fans' loyal and reduce the potential damages for loyal fans to defend WOM intention. In turn, improve the leisure benefits of the fans.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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