


The training transfer of corporate adventure training of enterprises across time




廖珮妏(Pei-Wen Liao);王俊杰(Chun-Chieh Wang)


企業探索訓練 ; 動機移轉 ; 移轉意圖 ; 訓練成效 ; 體驗式學習 ; corporate adventure training ; motivation transfer ; transfer intention ; training effectiveness ; experiential learning




53卷4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


453 - 467




緒論:企業探索訓練(corporate adventure training, CAT)是整合身心功能並超越個人意義的學習訓練,參與者親自參與活動體驗,從活動經驗來反思內省、釐清自我和團隊價值概念,並達到個人和團隊的改變與成長。然而,組織運用CAT來評估訓練移轉模式是稀少,且需有建構的即時與重要性,承接上述研究背景與動機,本文在建構CAT的訓練移轉模式,探討動機移轉、移轉意圖的中介效果,瞭解影響動機移轉的前因變數與訓練成效之間的效果。方法:本研究採問卷調查法,以企業組織員工接受CAT課程,主題為團隊共識凝聚、團隊激勵、核心領導力,透過實際的操作體驗式學習活動,以隱喻反思加以呼應課程目標,訓練前與訓練後有效成功配對回收共1,312位樣本數,主要採結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)進行統計資料分析。結果:移轉意圖在CAT過程當中的中介角色,包括中介知覺內容有效性與訓練成效,以及中介訓練後自尊與訓練成效。值得一提的是,訓練後的自尊中介訓練前的自尊與移轉意圖。此外,動機移轉使得知覺內容有效性與移轉意圖產生負向的影響。結論:本文的貢獻整合兩大模型,並確認CAT課程訓練可提升員工在實際工作上的訓練移轉和訓練成效。


Introduction: Certain corporate adventure training (CAT) programs have demonstrated the ability to improve managerial business practices in critical areas of organizational development, such as leadership, problem-solving, judgment, self-confidence, team building, and communication skills. However, it is difficult for companies to use CAT programs to assess training outcomes. By conducting research studies, however, researchers can potentially understand the complete training structures and transfer patterns of such programs. The primary purpose of this study was to build up a training transfer model by using CAT to evaluate the resulting training effects. In summary, the developed training transfer was found to be suitable for enterprises that use CAT. Methods: The participating employees of enterprise organizations took part in CAT courses with the themes of team consensus, team motivation, and core leadership competencies. The adventure experience activities undertaken in the courses included initiatives, challenge courses such as warm-up games, group activities, team bonding and building activities, low and high rope courses, etc., with the course objectives subsequently being reinforced with metaphorical debriefings and reflection. After taking part in the CAT courses, the participating employees from several companies returned a total of 1312 valid questionnaires regarding their experiences in the courses. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was then applied to the questionnaire data to establish appropriate models. Results: The SEM analysis revealed a mediating role of the transfer intention factor in the process, including the perception content validity and the training effectiveness, as well as mediating effects of after-training self-esteem and training effectiveness. It should be noted, furthermore, that after-training self-esteem had a mediating effect on before-training self-esteem and transfer intention. In addition, the transfer of motivation had a negative mediating effect on the perception content validity and the transfer intention. Conclusion: As a result of the analysis results, this study integrated two major models, the first of which confirmed that CAT courses can have positive effects on organizational development. Furthermore, CAT can improve the training transfer and training effectiveness of employees in actual workplaces.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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