Introduction: Along with the increased awareness of health and leisure, sports participation is also increasing. Professional requirement demands on sports venue operations have also risen rapidly, and the public-to-private sports centers have shown the outstanding performance of the numerous attendance. Therefore, to meet diversified needs and improve the quality of sports centers, high-skilled staff is essential to raise the effectiveness and quality of the sports centers. A competency model for junior managers of public-to-private sports centers is a key issue worthy of further exploration. The purpose of this study was to develop a competency model for junior managers of public-to-private sports centers to enhance sustainability. Methods: The first draft of the competency model was based on literature analysis and intensive competency-based interviews. A total of 11 experts from private industry, government, and academia were consulted to validate the framework feasibility through the application of the Delphi questionnaire. Results: The results of the study showed that a competency model for junior managers of public-to-private sports centers includes five tasks, which include "Site Management, Event Planning and Execution, Customer Complaint Response, Recruitment and Training, and Program Preparation and Execution," and 42 behavioral indicators. Conclusion: The study's design can be used as a reference for the establishment of a competency model for the sports industry. The study results can be implemented to develop a junior manager's job description for public-to-private sports centers and applied as the normative reference for the recruitment and selection, staffing, education and training, and retention.
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