Introduction: Since 1984, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has been established to resolve international sports-related disputes. Sports-related disputes can be categorized as disputes relating to the execution of contracts, such as those related to sponsorships and the sale of television rights, or disputes submitted to the CAS, many of which are doping-related. All Olympic International Federations and many National Olympic Committees have recognized the jurisdiction of the CAS and have included arbitration clauses in their statutes that refer disputes to the CAS. Since the World Conference on Doping in Sport in March 2003, the Olympic Movement and numerous governments have promulgated the World Anti-Doping Code, Article 13 of which states that CAS is the appeals body for all international doping-related disputes. Methods: According to the decisions on doping related disputes made by the CAS, some of the involved athletes were suspended for few years, which would be deem as restrictions to the athletes' rights and freedom. Also, all Olympic International Federations are NGOs, including the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and the Chinese Taipei Anti-Doping Agency. From a legal perspective, the enforcement of anti-doping rules through CAS decision, such as the case of Claudia Pechstein, relies on a private relationship between the CAS and NGOs. Under Taiwan's legislative framework, if athletes' rights are being restricted by anti-doping rules, is it appropriate to rely on a private relationship to restrict their rights, or should relevant laws and regulations be established? Results: Anti-doping rules are critical in both domestic and international sports contests. To understand the current practices, the roles of the International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, World Anti-Doping Agency, Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, and Chinese Taipei Anti-Doping Agency in the implementation of the anti-doping codes and practices warrant further discussion. Conclusion: This article presents relevant research and analysis of current discussions to provide recommendations to competent authorities.
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