It is very important to promote interaction and strategies during Physical Education program. This study was to investigate the effects of motivational Model and different ability on achievement and interaction during cooperative learning condition. A 2x3 factorial design for experimental study. 120 junior high students from purposive sampling classified as high and high, high and low and low and low, were randomly assigned to ability treatments. This study indicated that on motivational factor, Students working group high need for affiliation significantly outscored those students on low need for affiliation. On ability factor, Students working group with high and high, high and low pair significantly outscored those student on low and low pair. However, the group with high and high comparing with high and low pair was not significantly different condition. On Interaction, Students working need for affiliation cooperative learning condition with high and high, high and low pair significantly outscored those students on low and low pair. Also, the group with high and high comparing with high and low pair was not significantly difference. In addition, the results also revealed that three behavior interactions were significantly different for predicting performance including explanations skill problem, positive social skill and happy learning condition. The group with high and high comparing with high and low pair was not significantly difference. The implications for cooperative learning use of motivation strategies for sport education and future research were discussed.
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