


Applications of Split Step on Tennis Movement Technique




江勁彥(Jinn-Yen Chiang);莊惠雯(Hei-Wen Chuang)


網球 ; 墊步 ; 移位 ; tennis ; split step ; movement




26卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


153 - 158




競爭激烈的網壇與強力網球的盛行,加速比賽進行的節奏,因此選手在場上的反應時間與移位速度必須更有效率,然而選手如何提升場上迅速到位擊球,更是影響擊球效能之重要因素。因此,本文目的試圖從增加選手快速移位技能相關文獻進行回顧,以了解有效提升快速移位能力之原理與方法,並比較有無墊步之差異,藉由:一、網球移位技術-墊步。二、墊步的機制。三、墊步的時 機。四、增加墊步能力的訓練方法等4個層面來探討墊步在網球移位技術的重要性,希望能將相關理論與應用實務,提供教練及選手參考。經相關研究探討得知墊步對於網球移位效能可增加選手移位速度與力量,且墊步動作之SSC效應,能幫助下肢肌群短時間儲存彈性能釋放,進而提昇移位速度,然而,墊步動作時序太早或太晚出現對於擊球並無助益,合宜的墊步時機應於對方擊球時啟動。


In modern power tennis, pace of the race was very fast. The tennis player must be able to move in various directions quickly. In order to realize the principle of rapid movement ability, and the differences between with or without split step. The purpose of this study was to review the: 1. Tennis shift technology - split step. 2. Mechanism of split step. 3. Timing of split step. 4. Enhance split step movement learning skills. The result showed that split step could improve shift speed and strength of tennis player. The SSC effect of split step movement could enhance lower extremity muscles store elastic energy and released quickly. Timing of split step was very important for stroke. The accurately timing of split step was the instant of your opponent hitting the ball.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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