


Review of Image Repair Strategies on Chien-Ming Wang's Scandal




蘇珊(Shan Su);施致平(Chih-Pin Shih)


棒球 ; 運動員 ; 公眾人物 ; baseball ; athlete ; public figures




28卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


21 - 30






The image of sports stars had always attracted public attention, inclusive of their private life. The baseball star, Chien-Ming Wang, whose image was seriously injured when he admitted to having an extramarital affair in 2009 faced a career crisis and criticism. He called for a press conference and apologized to the public. This research aimed to examine the Image Repair Strategies applied in Wang scandal. Text analysis of Wang's press conference announcement and related news reports on major newspapers after the conference, dated from April 24, 2012 to June 13, 2013, were employed to review responses from the enterprises and sport fans and the effect of the Image Repair Strategies. Wang scandal adopted Benoit's Image Repair Strategies, which are evade responsibility, reduce offensiveness, corrective action and mortification, respectively. The results indicated that positive responses from media, sport fans, public and opinion poll, Acer's continuous sponsorship to Wang and Wang's start for bluebird after the event had successfully reduced public's negative views to Wang. To conclude, the practice of Image Repair Strategies in Wang scandal was appropriately incorporated so that news reports, the attitude of fans and public and opinion poll all tend to be positive. Wang, hence, returned to the spotlight, celebrity endorsement and topical focus.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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