Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), a popular model to predict and describe the condition of users' accepting technology, is used to discuss not only the initial enterprise environment but also individuals, families, internet and mobile communication platform. However, domestic sports field still wait for the research into TAM to enrich the application and connotation of the issue. Hence, the research begins with the development of TAM, considers the current situation of domestic sports field, and discusses the feasibility to apply TAM in order to advance specific suggestions for the future research. The development of TAM can be divided to three aspects, such as the exterior increase of variables, the combination of other theories and the new dimensions. Also, mostly the study applying TAM by the domestic sports field is about the test of the model, but not about the further expansion and finding of the model. Therefore, we can adopt TAM on the sports field to communicate with the users of sports technology, provide some foundation of sports technology innovation, and enhance the acceptance of sports technology system. Besides, by adoption of TAM, we can cultivate people with long-term exercise and farther bring up the product of sports technology industry.
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