


The Research on the Development of Judo in Taiwan (1895-2013)




許正心(Cheng-Hsin Hsu);賴益銘(Yi-Ming Lai)


臺灣柔道發展 ; 日治時期 ; 國民政府 ; development of Judo in Taiwan ; Japanese ruling period ; the withdrawal of ROC government under the Kuomintang ; KMT




28卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


251 - 256






Judo was first introduced to Taiwan when Taiwan was defeated in the Sino-Japanese War in 1895. The history of Judo in Taiwan is more than one hundred years, however it is a pity that only few documents are available. The purpose of this research was to investigate the origins of Judo in Taiwan, to encourage people to build the awareness on its development and further to advocate the activity, Judo. The development of Judo in Taiwan was divided into three phases in general as below: 1. The period of Japanese ruling (1895-1945) Japanese, in order to rule Taiwan, assigned a number of police force, which brought Judo to Taiwan. It was later in this period of time that Taiwanese started to learn Judo at school or went to Japan to study Judo. 2. The period of the withdrawal of ROC government under the Kuomintang, KMT (1949-1970). During this period, all Japanese-related issues were strictly prohibited. Fortunately, under the tremendous efforts of Huang Chang-lang, Judo was therefore able to be included in the exhibition on Taiwan Province Sports event, 1952. The Taiwanese Judo Association was then founded and the development of Judo was able to be retained. 3. The period of modern Judo in Taiwan (1971-2013). The Chinese Taipei Judo Association was established in 1973 but was renamed as Chinese Taipei Judo Federation in 2008 for the twin event. General matters and competitions related to Judo are managed by the federation. Thus, Judo in Taiwan has undergone three periods of time and has become a booming activity under the efforts of people who love it.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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