


The Effects of Changing Broadcasting Rights and the New Broadcasting Platform of Chinese Professional Baseball League




王建興(Chien-Hsin Wang);黃國軒(Kuo-Hsuan Huang)


運動轉播 ; 職業運動 ; 運動商業化 ; sports broadcasting ; professional sports ; commercialization of professional sports




29卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


19 - 28




職業運動在近年來已成為媒體轉播的新寵兒,使得職業運動與媒體間之互動關係更為緊密,從職業運動的三大主要收入來源(轉播權利金、廣告贊助與票房收入)更可顯現出媒體的重要性及其影響力。臺灣在2013年經典賽拿到有史以來最佳成績,再加上中華職棒曼尼旋風帶來的經濟效益,觀眾人數跳躍性的成長近150%,這也使得轉播權利金競標金額跟著提升,最後由國際媒體集團MP & Silva以21.4億元 (稅後20.4億元)的高價取得職棒25年至30年的轉播權。然而在高額權利金的背後卻也產生許多社會反彈聲浪與轉播問題。針對今年中華職棒轉播權之更換,本研究參酌運動傳播媒體之相關文獻,先後介紹美國與英國職業運動聯盟在轉播市場上之發展以及中華職棒轉播權之沿革與現況,進而探討更換轉播權對於中華職棒與相關利害關係人之影響,以供中華職棒聯盟未來規劃與調整轉播合約之參考依據。


The bonding between professional sports and the mass media has increased recently and professional sports have become the new media darling. Evidence has shown that the media have major influence on generating profits for professional sports in the form of TV broadcasting rights, TV commercials, and ticket sales. During the 2013 World Baseball Classic, Taiwan obtained the best result ever. The results coupled with the whirlwind of popularity of Manny Ramirez produced substantial economic benefits. Viewers' attendance for the games jumps nearly 150 percent which is the main reason in the increase in the bid cost of baseball broadcasting rights. Recently, the international media rights company Media Partners & Silva Limited (MP & Silva) won the bid for 2.14 billion NTD (2.04 billion NTD after tax) to obtain high-priced professional baseball broadcasting for the 25th to 30th season. As a result, a lot of other media groups backlashed and rallied against the issue of the controversial high-priced TV contract. This study aimed to discuss the change of the baseball broadcasting rights this year and provided relevant literature on sports media along with the evolution of sports media in Britain, the United States with focus on the development of professional sports league in the broadcasting market in Taiwan. This study also discussed the effects of the change of baseball broadcasting rights in Taiwan and provided suggestions to the Chinese Professional Baseball League for future development and adjustments on broadcasting rights contract.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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