


Application of Soccer Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder




郭哲君(Chen-Chun Kuo);張兆祿(Chao-Lu Chang)


自閉症 ; 亞斯伯格症 ; 廣泛性發展障礙 ; 運動介入 ; 五人制足球 ; Asperger's syndrome ; pervasive developmental disorders ; sport intervention ; futsal




29卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


127 - 136




透過運動介入來改善泛自閉症障礙(autism spectrum disorder, ASD)症狀,在近年已被證實為有效且合宜的方法。目前,國際上針對ASD者進行運動介入之研究,主要大多聚焦在個人運動或活動項目,結果發現能有效提升ASD者的身體適能及動作表現能力,然而在社交能力方面則仍不一致,其在研究設計上較少採用團體類型之運動介入形式。據此,本文主要回顧ASD者於運動介入之相關研究,瞭解身體活動對ASD者在相關問題症狀之改善效果,同時以足球運動為例,探討團體運動對於ASD者可能具有之療效,藉以提供學術工作者、體育教師與相關專業人員在未來學術與實務上之參酌。


With the increases of empirical evidences, it reveals that regular physical exercise is a proper treatment for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The findings of previous research focused on individual-based sport intervention showed that ASD people participated in physical activity could improve physical health and motor performance. However, those results are inconsistent on the problem of social functions' improvement, it was lack to apply the form of group-based sport intervention. As drawn by above concerns, this study first reviewed studies that involve physical exercise and individuals with ASD. Moreover, we took soccer (i.e., futsal) as an example to introduce the benefits of group-based sport forASDpeople. We expected this study could provide a reference and assistance to researcher, physical educator, and practitioners.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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