


The Application of Resistance Exercise for Stroke Prevention




張純嘉(Chung-Chia Chang);鍾寶弘(Pao-Hung Chung)


中風復健 ; 高血壓 ; 漸進式強度 ; stroke rehabilitation ; high blood pressure ; progressive exercise




29卷3期(2015 / 09 / 01)


247 - 254






Stroke is one of the main reason for disability in Taiwan. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of stroke has become an important issue. Resistance exercise can keep lower body weight, blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure, and the long-term resistance exercise was demostrated effectively to increase muscle mass and then to improve cardiovascular function, which has been used in chinical stroke rehabilitation. In order to prevent stroke by resistance exercise, no study had demostrated the valid strategy. After the system review of stroke rehabilitation programs, this study were found: the resistance exercise with the progressive intensity 20%-80%, 10 repetitions per round, 3 rounds per time and 3 times per week, would be effective to enhance the body function. Because stroke has not occured yet, the strategy of resistance exercise for prevention purpose can be started from 60% of intensity, and progressively increased up to 80%. We also suggested that the exercise equipment could be improved in order to comform to the neuromuscular training theories, and thus to induce more muscle stimulation and to reduce the risk of injury for the stroke reasons.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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