


Ethnic inequality in sports participation: Perspectives and examples




林文蘭(Wen-Lan Lin)


差別待遇 ; 偏見 ; 社會流動 ; 社會堆疊 ; social mobility ; social stacking ; discrimination ; prejudice




30卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


239 - 249






Why do some ethnic groups possess extraordinary passion for participating in certain specific sports that they display collective development in that sport or they become over represented in that field, to the extent that their performance excels such that they become focuses of sport sociology? For many minority groups, athletic achievement becomes the catalyst to the creation of social mobility and the shaping of their ethnic group's image. This paper first looks at clarifying key debates regarding ethnic inequalities in sports, including social mobility and social stacking issues. Second, using Taiwan's society as an example for analysis, the connection between the indigenous people and baseball is explored. Finally, based on existing research, additional research topics and areas for discussion are presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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