


From one to all: The original stratification of leisure and the new social movement




陳渝苓(Yu-Ling Chen)


後現代 ; 異質性 ; 參與平等 ; 多元族群 ; postmodernism ; heterogeneity ; equality of participation ; diversed groups




30卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


251 - 260






If we consider social problems from the viewpoint of heterogeneity addressed by postmodernism, it is quite obvious that the emphasis of diversity has gradually replaced the "orthodox ideology" and possibly became the new social norm. Neglcted issues in the past, such as equality and justice, re-emerged as important discouses in leiusre-related disciplines and draw scholars' attention. This study took a critical standpoint to discuss the envolvemnet of leisure historically, and further explored the shifting process of the ideology and the transformation of leisure under the wave of social change. Specifically, this study also intended to disclose the current idea of equality of leisure participation and its relationship with diversed groups used to be seen as marginal to leisure, and focus on how these groups entitle to leisure in this new era.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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