


The current status and analysis of outdoor fitness equipment




周學雯(Hsueh-Wen Chow)


身體活動量 ; 全民健身路徑 ; 公園 ; 戶外環境 ; physical activity ; national fitness route ; parks ; outdoor environment




31卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


229 - 236






Increasing daily physical activity is an important goal for public health policy and sport/exercise administrative authorities in many countries. Recently, outdoor fitness equipment has been installed in public space rapidly worldwide; however, the research about outdoor fitness equipment is very limited. This paper presents the development of outdoor fitness equipment, its usage, benefits, and risks. Further research should investigate the use of varied forms of outdoor fitness equipment, explore its benefits and risks based on the profession of sports science and with qualified trainers. As such, we could ensure the usability and safety of using outdoor fitness equipment in order to increase public’s physical activity, avoid sport injury and achieve health promotion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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