


Segmentation or integration? Exploring the boundary management of student-athletes




陳光宗(Guang-Zong Chen);陳美燕(Mei-Yen Chen)


運動員認同 ; 區隔偏好 ; 雙重生涯 ; athletic identity ; segmentation preferences ; dual career




32卷2期(2018 / 06 / 01)


107 - 116




學生運動員的雙重生涯在生涯轉換與適應是相當重要的階段。然而,過去的研究多關注於學生運動員的特質與環境對職涯成熟度的影響,以角色觀點探討學生運動員生涯發展的研究議題則較少被開發,由於學生運動員每天都在學習如何在兩種角色間進行轉換,因此降低角色轉換的困難與衝突,成為學生員運動員面臨的課題。本文以邊界管理(boundary management)的觀點取徑,從邊界理論的三個研究範疇:個人層面、人境適配與實際應用策略,論述邊界理論對學生運動員雙重生涯的啟發,並於文中詳細論述未來研究之方向。


Student-athletes' dual career is a critical stage to career transitions and adaptations. The relationship between the characteristics of student-athletes and career maturity has received wide attention in previous studies. However, student-athletes need to learned how decrease the conflicts and difficulties among two roles in everyday life but research topics by using role perspective are rarely developed. The current study adopt the perspective of boundary management from three researcher issues, which is individual boundary management, person-environment (PE) fit and the practical strategies about boundary management to get the insight for student-athletes' dual career. We also discuss the direction of future study in our arguments.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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