
健身新趨勢-身心康適(somatic wellness)概念與發展


New trends in fitness-theory and development of somatic wellness




林慧敏(Hui-Min Lin);劉美珠(Mei-Chu Liu)


體適能 ; 身心學 ; 身心動作教育 ; 身心技法 ; 身體覺察 ; physical fitness ; somatics ; somatic movement education ; somatic approaches ; body wellness




33卷2期(2019 / 06 / 01)


61 - 72




現代人已意識到身體活動和保健的重要性,如何加強適應環境的能力、預防疾病的發生、以提升生活品質與身體素養,已成為現今重要的議題。過去運動科學領域中,能夠發現在探討健康相關議題時,多以可觀察、可測量、可分析的身體觀來提供各種鍛鍊處方與標準數值,尤其是健康體適能,主要是以基本生理指標、數值、檢測來測量與鍛鍊。這些方式大多注重軀體的訓練和進步,卻較少針對自我身體與心理的認識、內在的覺察、感受、探索和體會來開發動作的功能與可能性,也較少透過經驗探索與自然產生的動作來提升身體素養與活動能力。因此,本文從身心學(somatics)的觀點,強調內在經驗的開發與啟動身體智慧(body wisdom)的方式,結合「身心動作教育」和「體適能」的核心目標,提出「身心康適」(somatic wellness)之健身模式,並以具體的內容主軸,期望提供健身運動一個新的趨勢與發展的可能性。


Modern people have realized the importance of physical activity and health care. How to strengthen the ability to adapt to the environment, prevent the occurrence of diseases, and improve the quality of life and physical quality has become an important issue today. In the past, in the field of sports science, most of the exercise prescriptions and standard values were provided with an observable, measurable, and analyzable body view, especially the basic physiological indicators, numerical values, detection and exercise methods of healthy fitness. Most of these methods focus on the physical exercise, but lack the understanding of the body and mind relationship, the inner awareness, the feeling, the exploration of embodiment, and the lack of experience and natural movements to enhance body-mind fitness and integration. Therefore, from the perspective of Somatics and the idea of Body Flowing, this article emphasizes the development of internal experience and the way to involve body wisdom (or called body knowing), and combines the core objectives of "somatic movement education" and "physical fitness" to propose "Somatic Wellness". This fitness model provides a new trend and possibility for health & well-being.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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