


Exploring the strategy of ambush marketing in mega sporting events




吳慧卿(Hui-chin, Wu);李慧穎(Hui-ying, Li)


運動贊助 ; 奧林匹克運動會 ; 整合行銷 ; sports sponsorship ; Olympic Games ; integrated marketing




34卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


1 - 14






The ambush marketing had already appeared in the first commercial sponsored Olympic Games in 1984, but people did not pay attention to this issue until the 2008 Beijing Olympics Li Ning incident. This article sorts out the famous events of ambush marketing in the past, analyzes the reasons for the ambush marketing prosperity and the impact on the sports competition and proposes management suggestions. With the time pass away, the ambush marketing method has been from the initial sponsored sub-units, experiential marketing to the way of becoming a sub-sponsor, the partial legalization of marketing activities and the promotion of community trends through technology trends. The legalization of marketing activities has also entered a relatively mature stage, with more integration and scope, more widely, the content also updated, and marketing effectiveness is higher. Lower cost but excellent marketing effect, insufficient promotion of official sponsors may be the reason for the promotion of ambush marketing. The media should be clear about the difference between several sponsorship level and executable rights. Content enhance audience management and sponsors should have a more complete sponsorship activation as a corresponding solution to maintain the ownership of the event and the sponsor's rights.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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