


Application of geometric mean as a popularity index of sports venues and facilities




簡全亮(Chuan-Linag Chien)


密集度 ; EG指數 ; 區位選擇 ; 空間可接近性 ; intensity ; EG index ; location selection ; spatial accessibility




34卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


15 - 24




運動場館設施一旦闢建完成,可提供使用者長達數十年的服務,其場館之主體性被完全地轉換替代並不容易。為此,探索一個得以量化描述運動場館設施佈建密集程度的指標,有助於對運動場館的分佈現況進行分析,在研擬體育運動政策的中短程計畫階段時,獲得有益的參考資訊。本文提出若以幾何平均數方式計算場館平均距離,再將球場數量予以加權,而加權平均數可定義為運動場館設施普及性指標(SpoPopularity, SpoPP);應具有其實務運用之可行性。若須與現有都市計畫進行比較,SpoPP指數仍得以套用空間分析模式。


Once the sports venues and facilities are built, they can serve for decades. It is not easy to replace the subjectivity of the venues completely. Therefore, the research of the indicators that quantifies the intensity of the distribution of sports venues helps analyze the current spread of sports venues on making mid-term or short-term policy decisions. This research proposes that if the average distance of the venues or facilities is calculated by geometric mean, and weighted by the number of sports courses in each venue, the weighted average can be defined to the venue Popularity index (named SpoPopularity, SpoPP). This calculation method of index should benefit the current practical application. Compared with the existing urban plan, the SpoPP index can also be applied to the spatial analysis model.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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