


A study of basketball analytics




張友謙(Yu-Chien Chang);林怡秀(Yi-Hsiu Lin)


籃球 ; 競賽表現 ; 競技策略 ; 運動數據分析 ; 分析指標 ; basketball ; competition performance ; competitive strategy ; sports analytics ; metrics




34卷4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


219 - 228






In recent years, data analysis has become the development trend of sports industry especially and sports analytics is highly valued around the world. In order to increase competition, sports analytics can not only help sport teams and athletes improve performances, but also assist coaches and decision makers to develop multiple competitive strategies. Furthermore, sports analytics become an auxiliary tool for competition experience. This paper summarizes the roles and applications of worldwide studies on basketball analytics. It then further investigates the meaning and the classification issues in basketball analytics. In conclusion, this paper divides basketball analytics into 5 categories. 1. Exploring the performance of teams and players; 2. Exploring the winning and losing factors; 3. Exploring rhythm and space; 4. Exploring the dynamic factors in basketball games; 5. Exploring whether the indicators have measurable value.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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