Blockchain is the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The characteristics of blockchain, such as decentralization, immutability, anonymity, publicity, transparency, and traceability, ensure the operation and trustworthiness of blockchains. In addition to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology has been widely applied in various industries like finance, medicine, production and marketing, logistics, and document authentication, etc. This paper aims to introduce blockchain technology into the field of sport and to propose a new system for sports event registration and authentication using blockchain to resolve some concerns in traditional workflow including lost, damage, or falsity of documents. By blockchain technology, records of the competition will be stored in the blockchain as digital documents which may be kept intact forever. Besides, schools, organizations, or governments may issue proofs of athletes' student status or specific qualifications in the blockchain as well. With the help of smart contracts, future sports event organizers may approve registration automatically, improving efficiency and accuracy. This paper also compares the differences between the traditional system and the blockchain-based new system followed by some recommendations for future researches.
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