


The surface electromyography intelligent garment in design, research, validity and reliability: A scoping review




陳麒先(Chi-Hsien Chen);葉哲偉(Che-Wei Yeh);劉強(Chiang Liu)


肌肉活性 ; 穿戴式科技 ; 運動監控 ; muscle activity ; wearable technology ; monitoring training load




37卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


95 - 112






The surface electromyography (sEMG) is difficult to monitor athletes' performance in the field condition because of complex pretreatment. Thus, the sEMG combined with the intelligent garment (sEMG garment) may be one of the best strategies to monitor athlete's performance. The aim of this article was to review kinds of literature of the sEMG garment in design, research methodology, and reliability and validity respectively throughout a scoping review method. There are 13 studies met the criteria in the present article. The results showed that a few previous studies involved athlete participants. Most studies were tested sEMG garment on lower limb muscle groups and conducted static and dynamic strength movements. The reliability and validity of the sEMG garment were good in the previous study. The findings suggested that sEMG garments are a highly applied product for monitoring athletes' performance; however, more studies that examine full-body muscle groups with high-velocity muscle contraction in athlete participants are required.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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