This study examined the relationship between shift work schedule and sleep quality, and work stress among highway toll-station female workers. This cross-sectional survey conducted in April-July of 2006 included 478 female workers in 20-45 years of age working at the toll stations of the First and Third Highways. Each participant completed a questionnaire for information on demographic characteristics, work schedule in recent two months, sleep quality, and work stress. Sleep quality in the most recent 2 weeks was evaluated using Pittsburgh sleep quality index, and the work stress was measured based on effort-reward imbalance model. The effort to reward ratio larger than 1 (E/R>1) meant the increased work stress.
Mean age (±SD) was 31.3 (±5.4) years of age. We found that all study subjects were rotation shift workers and 38.7% of them had worked at the stations for 5~9 years. After controlling for age, years of work, and martial status, the night shift workers who were off work for rest only 24 hours or less had a 1.63-fold risk (p=0.0455) of poor sleep quality (PSQI>5), compared with those who were off for 2 days or longer. In addition, compared to subjects with less than 15 nigh shifts in 2 months, those with at least 21 night shifts had a 3.36-fold risk (p=0.0231) to have imbalanced effort and reward (E/R>1). Our findings suggest a short rest between work shifts of working schedule and the burdened night shifts may be associated with poor sleep quality and increased work stress for the toll station female workers. A future study should examine how to modify the rotation work shift schedule to decrease the impact of poor sleep quality and work stress burden.
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