


From the Summary Record to the Narrative: the Process of the Text of the Chinese Earlier Period Historiography




錢茂偉(Mao-Wei Qian)


中國史學 ; 記事 ; 敘事 ; 文本化 ; The Chinese historiography ; Summary record ; Narrative




14期(2005 / 12 / 01)


141 - 172






This is a theories analysis frame on the process and reason of the Chinese earlier period historiography (from to the early west Han). From the angle of the historiography occurrence, the basic point of textual is investigate the occurrence and develop in Chinese history memory and recall. The history remembers and recollection contain two kinds of oral communication and writing record. Being from oral communication to writing records, is the process of origins of history and develop. There are three new meaning of the textual: The first, the record method of human history experienced ”spreads-summary record-narrative” three process. The first period of record in the human history only have spread, the second period appearing spread to summary record; the third period is spreads, summary record, narrative. From the summary record to narrative, is a process of record by authorities to the folks compiles, from Simple to heavy, reflect the process of develop gradually in remember and recall of mankind. The second, follow the variety of the quality and the regulation, change the writing of summary record into four small stages: the fragment summary record, a single summary record, consecution of summary record, compiles of summary record. oracle-bone scripture is beginning of summary record fragment, the text of gold is a beginning of single summary record, the history of a nation is beginning of continuously summary record text, Confucius is the most primitive chronological history, is the beginning of compile of history.; They are the one narrative, much narrative ”Zhu Zhan” is emergence of one narrative, as for ”Shi Ji”, is the beginning of many narrative. The third, from completely of angle, argument each a reason for small segment establishing, particularly noticed to account the variety of the method, the process of advance in the material of writing and the technical of writing. Establishment of the idea of time in devolution in one after one generation, the usage of the bamboo strips, the usage of the Chinese brush-pen, is a term to narrative establishment.

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