


Contribution of 《Koryoshi》to Studying History of Lao and Chin




金渭顯(Wee-Hoyun Kim)


高麗史史料價值 ; 遼關係史料 ; 金關係史料 ; Historical Value of Koryoshi ; Historical Materials on Liao 遼 ; Historical Materials on Chin 金




15期(2006 / 06 / 01)


117 - 144




最初纂修的高麗歷史書是編年體《高麗國史》。然撰者任意筆削,與史臣本草不同處甚多。世宗命春秋館改撰《高麗國史》,仍然不完全改寫。世宗看見改撰內容,相當不滿意,乃親授「以實直書」之凡例,使史官,依據舊文讎校訂正,至西元一四二四年(世宗六年)八月,遂完成讎校高麗史。可是,十四年之後,起議紀傳體高麗史的撰修論議,至西元一四四二年(世宗二十四年)八月,才完成紀傳體《高麗史》,可是,引起來不公正的評論,不得已再命春秋館進行改撰工作,遂到西元一四五一年(文宗元年)八月,遂完成紀傳體《高麗史》。這麼長久讎校改撰的史料,必須比較誤記之處不多。 這本書史料價值非常高而內容也相當豐富:以史料價值言之:一)當時重要史料都吸收攝取了。二)可補訂中國正史之豐富的史料。以量言之;高麗與五代、遼、宋、金、元、明關係之史料,大略是五十四萬五千四百二十八字。 在《高麗史》中,麗遼關係史料是約七萬字。其中遼與高麗關係記事有一百九十一條,高麗與遼關係記事有兩百二十三條。是《遼史》〈本紀〉記事之量三倍多。 與金關係史料是約十二萬字,其中兩國關係之記事有九百九十條。 特別表、詔、牒、諭等之外交文書,是中國早年失去的,所以以上之史料,可以補充中國正史。


The firstly edited Koryo history book was 《KoryoGuoshi(高麗國史)》 writfen with a Chronological form. However, there were many things different from the draft of the historiographer since the editor out out some historic materials at his will. Although King Shijong (世宗) ordered Chunglunguan (春秋館) to correct 《KoryoGuoshi》. It was not corrected perfectly. When King Shijong reviewed the revision, he was not satisfactory so he made introductory remark of 'writing the facts as they are' and had a historiographer correct it using the draft. In August 1424, 《Revised Koryoshi》 was finally completed. However, after 14 years, an argument of editing jinianli (紀傳體) Koryo history was aroused and Jiniantl 《Koryoshi》 was completed in August 1442. And then, in August 1451, Chunqluguan finished another Jinianti 《Koryoshi》 because there was reputation of unjustice content. It has relatively small number of mistakes in writing since it went through correction and reediting for a long time. Historic value of this book is very high and the content is very rich. Its historic values are as follows. (1) It referred all the important historic materials that existed at that times. (2) It has affluent historic materials so that it could supplement and correct authentic history of China. When it comes to quantity. It includes total 545,428 letters of historic materials on Koryo, Wodai (五代), Liao (遼), Sung (宋), Chin (金), Yuan (元) and Ming (明) dynasties. In 《Koryoshi》, there are about 70,000 letters of historic materials on Koryo and Liao, among them, articles related with Liao and Koryo are 191 Zhao (條) and articles related with Koryo and Liao are 223 Zhao (條). That is three times more than articles of 〈Penchi(本紀)〉.《Liaoshi(遼史)》 There are also about 120,000 letters of historic materials on relationship with Chin and among them articles about the relationship between the two countries are 990. In particular, 《Koryoshi》 can supplement authentic history of China because diplomatic documents of Piao (表), Zhao (詔), Die (牒),Yu (諭), etc, were lost in early times.

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