
沉默大眾的歷史:Lynn White與歐洲中世紀農民生活史的建構


The History of the Silent Majority: Lynn White and the Discourse on the Peasants' Life in Medieval Europe




李聖光(Sheng-Kuang Lee)


沉默大眾 ; 歐洲中世紀 ; 農民生活 ; 羅德烈伯 ; 農業技術 ; 黑死病 ; 金茲柏格 ; 心態史 ; 懺悔指南手冊 ; The Silent Majority ; Medieval Europe ; Lynn White ; The Life of the Peasants ; Ruodlieb ; Agricultural Technology ; The Black Death ; Georges Duby ; Carlo Ginzburg ; The History of Mentalities ; Penitentials




15期(2006 / 06 / 01)


173 - 206




傳統史學經常忽略平民大眾的歷史,因此本文分別用三個例證或零星個案來探討研究歐洲中世紀的史學家,例如Marc Bloch、Georges Duby、Carlo Ginzburg、Robert Lopez、以及Lynn White等學者,如何運用殘佚的史料且跳脫其侷限,並藉由新文化史的理論,來建構、拼貼和詮釋沉默大眾的生活和歷史;尤其是Lynn White從農業技術革新、社會變遷、以及心態、情感和宗教信仰之間的互動之微觀,鋪陳出歐洲從中世紀過渡到近代之前歷史發展的宏觀,來了解農民在生活型態上根本的轉變及其影響。


Historians have often neglected the history of the silent majority or the marginal groups in the past due to the dearth of evidence or scattered documents. As such, the article is intended to explore by means of three case studies as well as the theory of new cultural history the life of the peasants in medieval Europe. It is mainly through the deep-rooted study of the interactions among the factors such as the innovation of the agricultural technology and its impact upon the way the peasants lived, social changes, and the shape of Christian beliefs upon the outlook among the medieval peasant population by Lynn White that we can have a good grasp of the transformation of the pattern of life among the peasants from medieval Europe to early modern period.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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