


The Debate on Chronology in the Development of English Historical Education




林慈淑(Tzu-Shu Lin)


英國 ; 時序 ; 時序架構 ; 時序觀念 ; England ; Chronology ; Chronological Structure ; Concept of Chronology




15期(2006 / 06 / 01)


207 - 242






Chronology has become an issue in debate since problems of the teaching of history was concerned in 1970s' England. Through the argument and disputes between different sides of opinions in last three decades, there emerges some consensus about the role of chronology in school history. Firstly, the human past is not chronological in nature, so the history curriculum is not to be rigidly chronological and linear. Secondly, the concept of chronology has a central place in the development of a child's historical understanding. Students should know that the meanings of historical evidence derive from its time-frame. They need to develop a sense of historical time by studying dating system, time-related vocabularies, perspective of change and continuity, and periodization.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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