Changsha Incident is a complex result of the Chinese anti-Japan campaign and the Japanese hatred of the boycott movement against Japanese goods and steamers, rather than an isolated case. From the process of conflicts and negotiations, we can glance at the difference between China and Japan, and observe how a simple civil conflict was turned into a massacre and a vital diplomatic event after the power of state intervened. This kind of conflicts is not easy to deal with in diplomacy as they are involved with nationalism and military intervention. Changsha, a part of Hunang province, located at the fronts between the north and south, does not belong to the Peking government's jurisdiction. For an incident complicated by the China/Japan, central/local, and Japan/local contradictions, how can the Ministry of Diplomacy deals with it by the double pressure? Though the Changsha Incident is not a very important event in history, it is still embodying a special dimension of the Sino-Japan relations in 1920s and worth investigating and discussing.