


Qian Qianyi and the Formation of the "Chaling School of Poetry"




潘星輝(Xing-Hui Pan);馬雲駸(Yun-Qin Ma)


錢謙益 ; 李東陽 ; 茶陵詩派 ; Qian Qianyi ; Li Dongyang ; Chaling School of Poetry




21期(2009 / 06 / 30)


1 - 38






During the period of dynastic change from Ming to Qing, there emerged a new force in the literary circle, namely the ”Yu Shan School of Poetry” headed by Qian Qianyi, amidst the trend of opposing the ”Seven Masters” then occurred in China. In his attack on the ”Restoration” or ” Back to the ancients” school, Qian inevitably involved in the defaming of the ”Jingling School”, because the thought of Zhong and Tan, although differed from that of Li and Wang, happened to go astray at that time and was steadily on the decline. He acted to enlist the poetic schools then not in accord with the ”Seven Masters” on one hand, and tried to bypass the latter to trace back in appeal to Li Dongyang, on the other. Arising from their own sectarian bias, they deliberately and sedulously' made up' a poetical sect centered upon Li so as to lay the foundation for the formation of the ”Chaling School” in opposition to that of the ”Seven Masters”. By effort of his energetic preaching and advocating, Li Dongyang became much of scholastic concern when China entered the Qing epoch, the repercussion being such that Li became quite over the ”Seven Masters” in fame and scholastic position. What is more, inasmuch as the entity of the ”Chaling School” was enlisted in ”Complete library in the Four Branches of Literature” by its authoritative compilers, the later generations were thus plunged into confusion over the understanding of the genuine development of Ming poetry. Its pernicious influence was seen aggravated by its extension to the present day.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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